We hope to be adding many more products to our store in the near future. As this is a new website, we are sure there is going to be some problems so if you need to contact us we are just a phone call or email away at 561-907-1848 (My personal cell) or 561-732-8813 for Palm Beach County residents and toll free 866-949-6753 or by email at [email protected]
As we learn the ends and outs of this website, we would appreciate being informed of any abnormalities.
We have sold on eBay for several years and have a 100% positive feedback rating. We will try to adhere to these standards here. We will try to ship next day, but plants are usually shipped only on Monday, Tuesday and some Saturdays. This depends on weather. If we have a hurricane please understand that we may be without internet service of a couple of weeks. We also take numerous buying trips to Central and South America as well as Africa and South East Asia. At these times we will try to close the store or at least notify that shipment may be delayed.
Most all items can be picked up at our garden center at 7401 Tropical World Way off Hagen Ranch Road in Boynton Beach, Florida. But be sure and call first to make sure of the correct location. Some could be at our growing grounds in Loxahatchee. Most shipping is from Loxahatchee site.
We are aware of the high cost of shipping and will do our best to select the most economical method. Air Cargo by Delta Airlines from PBI airport is an option also. If the calculated shipping seems to high, email us for a specific quote