Amazon Sword Plant Red Pearl

On sale $7.99
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Part Number:3651
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Echinodorus Hadi Red Pearl Sword is a rare type of Amazon Sword which green leaves with red markings throughout.  Like most swords, they should be planted directly into the substrate.  When using inert substrate such as sand or gravel, it is important to supplement the plants with root tabs as Echinodorus are heavy root feeders.  The plant can be grown both emersed and submerged and often times, new leaves can grow to the top above the water line.   Overall, this plant is easy and undemanding and very suitable for larger tanks. 

Family Name: Alismataceae

Origin: South Africa

Height: 4-9”

pH: 6-7.5

Care: Easy

Light: Low

Co2: Not Required

Propagation: Separate new plantlets from the root

Growth rate: Slow to Moderate

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