Aerangis fastuosa

Your Price: $29.50
Retail Price:$39.50
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Part Number:6931
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Aerangis fastuosa is endemic to Madagascar. They are found in eastern Madagascar at about 910 m in the region that marks the transition between the coastal plain and the central plateau.

Aerangis fastuosa orchid plant care and culture

 It is a dwarf, hot growing, variable, epiphytic species with very short stems carrying several obovate to oblong-cuneiform, fleshy, unequally bilobed at the apex leaves.

 The Magnificent Aerangis blooms in the late winter and spring on a short, 5 cm long, 1 to 6 flowered inflorescence with large cucullate floral bracts. The flowers are large, 5 cm in diameter, long lasting and fragrant at night.

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